a queer im·ag·i·na·tion



  1. the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses

Everything that you hope to see in this world that does NOT already exist as a lived reality, is imaginary. This is not to say that it is fake, impossible, or unfounded. Rather it is to say that it is the formation of a new idea; you are using your imagination when you hope for anything. You are imagining that something else, something better, is possible. In order to begin the process of making an anti-racist community or world, we must imagine that such a thing is even possible. The power of Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech was speaking into existence something which was, at the time, fully imaginary. MLK Jr. and other integrationists had to imagine a world in which integration existed or otherwise how could it ever exist?

When we are little, we use our imaginations for play and art. Some people lament that they feel their imagination has disappeared as they have aged. Long gone are the days of imaginary friends, running around and pretending they are dragons, playing princess-doctor-giant, or creating a vibrant world of characters with crayons. However, I would argue that adults still have plenty of capacity for imagination. Our imagination just looks much different than it had for so long. Certainly, adulthood makes it easier to never use or stretch our imaginations but our imagination is crucial to the creation of a world where all can flourish and belong because that type of world is imaginary.

For us queer and trans people, a world in which we can fully express ourselves, thrive, and flourish has revealed itself in glimpses. We know that a queerly liberated future is not an impossibility but it is, in fact, still imaginary. This might sound bleak but I want to encourage you that it is not. In fact, the abundant life and flourishing that will be part of a liberated future for queer and trans folks is full of hope and is only possible if there are enough people who dare to imagine it and work to create it out of a collective imagination.

Imagination is inherently creative and generative. Imagination takes what is and says “this can’t be all there is.” Imagination for something better fuels hope which bolsters revolution.

So beloveds, it is time to flex your imagination. Imagine a future, hope for it, yearn for it, and let that guide your movement. If we fail to have a deep and wide imagination for what is possible for ourselves and our community; it will never come to be our reality.

What do you imagine?


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