Two Blessings

These blessings were penned for The Table MPLS’s Pride 2024 “Pride Blessings”

A blessing for queer/trans folks

Queerly Beloved, 

Made whole and very good

May you never stop growing 

Sprouting new flowers & buds

Even when hate tries to prune away your fabulous

May you experience the warmth of abundant love

And never shrink away 

May you be empowered to persist

May you be nurtured to flourish

May you always remember you are beloved

And beloved you belong 


A blessing for parents of queer/trans children & youth 

May you find clarity in the chaos 

& hope amidst the fear 

May you find patience and joy in this bumpy ride

May you always remember to find the humor

In this beautiful, fabulous mess

May you feel empowered to ask for help

And humble enough to accept it

And may you always remember you & your family are beloved

And beloved parent, your family belongs. 



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